Casi trescientas personas se reunieron en el Teatro Romea para escuchar la música de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía y rendir homenaje al Dr. Diego Lorenzo.

Tribute to doctor Diego Lorenzo with music by the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía

The Fundacion ASISA celebrated a concert by the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía in Murcia, which took place in the Theatro Romea and paid tribute to Doctor Diego Lorenzo, the former vice-chairman of Lavinia-ASISA and former delegate of the company in the Region of Murcia. The recital was used to acknowledge the work developed by Doctor Diego Lorenzo over almost fifty years aimed at consolidating healthcare cooperativism and developing ASISA and its group of companies, as well as making the company into a leader in health insurance and private healthcare.

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