
Torres, who has already managed hospitals in Malaga and Granada, will continue to promote the group’s consolidation and development.
Assistència Sanitària
A new design to ensure that the people who use it can manage their health, quickly and easily, anytime and anywhere.
Assistència Sanitària
This aid is aimed at the continuous improvement of professionals and the Ramon de Teserach 2022 award goes to a cancer project in Uganda.

Dr. Carlos Zarco, the General Manager of the Fundación Espriu, has been elected as a director of the board of directors of the International…

Assistència Sanitària

Awards for medical excellence and management

Marta Sans, the economic and financial…

Assistència Sanitària
M. Àngels Font, the chairwoman of the organisation led the meeting, which has now gone back to being in-person again.

The HLA Hospital Group has taken another step forward in its digital transformation process aimed at making healthcare easier for its patients.…


The Fundacion ASISA celebrated a concert by the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía in Murcia, which took place in the Theatro…

The new HLA Ramón y Cajal Centre will offer surgical and outpatient services and it will be up and running at the end of the year.
Lavinia, the sole shareholder in ASISA, held its 46th Meeting in Granada, where it announced an 8.8% increase in its invoicing for 2021.

The Fundación ASISA held a concert in Lisbon of the Queen Sofia Higher School of Music, which took place at the Champalimaud Foundation. This…