Mar España, directora de la AEPD, y el Dr. Enrique de Porres, consejero delegado de ASISA.

Pacts for protection in the digital environment

The two agreements in question are the Digital Pact for the Protection of People and the State Treaty for the Protection of Minors.

ASISA has joined a proposal of two pacts aimed at protecting the privacy of the users on the network. In the case of the Digital Pact for the Protection of People, its goal is to promote a firm commitment to privacy in organisations’ sustainability policies and the business models. ASISA undertakes to assume a series of commitments such as implementing the principles defined in the Pact and to carry out awareness campaigns amongst employees, clients and users, regarding the value of privacy and the importance of processing personal data, both in the private and work areas.

Likewise, the State Treaty proposal arose to bring awareness about the risks faced by children and teenagers on the internet and social media and that can affect their socialisation and promote possible mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression. To do this, the document includes a series of steps that underscore the training of professionals to ensure that all the agents involved take on their responsibility. 

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