
Skin care
The skin is the body’s largest organ. It can regenerate itself; it is waterproof, resistant and flexible; it breathes and remains active 24 hours a…
Dr. Roberto Gallego-Pinazo, an ophthalmologist in the Ophthalmology Service at the Hospital IMED Valencia.
Looking after your sight
Some habits can help to prevent eye pathologies. It is essential to have regular checkups and to know about the symptoms.
Flight mode
You need to prepare a small kit containing medicines and tools to cope with any situations that could ruin your getaway.
Screen use
Digital natives no longer reach the world with a silver spoon in their mouths, but rather with a mobile device to which they are permanently…
Looking after your sight
Conjunctivitis is a regular eye problem in the summer period. Many conjunctivitis ailments are caused by contact with the chlorine in swimming pools…
Dr. Cristina Pérez, dermatologist at the HLA Toledo Medical Center
Skin care
Dermatologists currently have different digital tools that can be useful in their medical practices, helping to optimise time, to prevent mistakes or…
Skin care
Thanks to solar radiation, the human body synthesises vitamin D, which is essential in some of the organism’s processes that help to prevent…
Sleep hygiene
Getting enough rest is vital for our organism and to do this, routine is a determining factor. The change in habits due to the lockdown has affected…
Mental health
Dr. Carlos Peña-Salazar psychiatrist and neurologist specialising in neuropsychiatry, epilepsy and neurodevelopment disorders. The Spanish…
Covid-19 tests
There are several types of test to detect the virus: PCRs, antigen tests and serology are the best known ones. But, when should each test be used?…